Cyber Investigation
GII offers multiple cyber investigation services from First Glance Reports to Open Source Media Monitoring. With the vast number of social media websites available and the percentage of people that use them, online research has become an essential resource.

Identify and Monitor Online Accounts and Activities for Evidence
GII offers multiple cyber investigation services from First Glance Reports to Open Source Media Monitoring. With the vast number of social media websites available and the percentage of people that use them, online research has become an essential resource.
The GII Analysts and Researchers are certified Social Media Experts and Cyber Intelligence Experts, with the skills and knowledge to find, identify, assess, and record valuable information on a claimant online.
By identifying or monitoring the claimant’s online accounts, we are able to document activities that may be relevant to a case. It also provides insight to the claimant’s personality, habits, social connections, and history. All of which can be used to collect evidence and reveal important patterns during the investigation.
First Glance Report
If you need to evaluate what information and resources are available on a claimant prior to approving other services, consider a First Glance Report.
GII will identify any Open Source Media profiles if available, collect personal information, property ownership, current contact information, photographs of current property, photo of claimant (if available), and recommendation of services based on our findings.
Open Source Media Search
Is used to identify any online presence, personal information of a claimant through online social media profiles, dating websites, blogs, chat groups, RSS threads, online news articles, and other general information. Open source media information can reveal pictures and comments related to a claimant specific injury, identify patterns, activities, future events, or hobbies and spots the claimant is involved in.
Open Source Media Monitor
Social Media and internet profiles are monitored for a designated period of 30, 60, and 90 days, in an effort to document further activity related to the claimant.
Weekly status updates are provided to the client with any social media activities observed during this monitoring period.
Nationwide Coverage - GII is able to perform Cyber Investigation Services for any city and state in the USA.