Domestic / Infidelity Investigations
Suspecting a partner of having an affair can be a very emotional and overwhelming experience. To be sure, or simply to have peace of mind one way or the other, you need to obtain irrefutable facts and otherwise confirm or negate the suspicions.
The glamour that movies and books depict is a very misleading picture. Professional investigators do not "sneak around" peaking in windows with their cameras. It is a high-tech world that demands highly trained professionals that know how to get the evidence and facts you need. Not every case needs physical surveillance or a suspected loved one tracked. Today, everything is on the world wide web, whether you realize it or not.

Ask yourself these questions:
If you have answered yes to even one of these few questions, there are issues you need answered.
In today’s digital age, affairs are not limited to just physical activity with a non-spouse. But they can create deep emotional scars due to betrayal via online chats, content, and imagery. Our highly skilled certified social media analyst can identify hidden accounts from social media, dating sites, and other forms of social networking.
We take it even further with our remote extraction machine and can recover erased history, hidden accounts, past e-mails/messaging, etc. to help you understand just what your suspected spouse/partner may be doing on their smart device.
Physical Surveillance
Our investigators are equipped with state of the art high-end HD video cameras for both day and night surveillance, long rage telephoto lenses, military grade night vision, and other specialty equipment we deem necessary to conduct surveillance in specific areas.
We establish discreet positions for stationary surveillance in undetectable vehicles, can deploy our un-manned ROVR-SV 360 (Remote Operated Video Recording Surveillance Vehicle), and our classified static remote video technology are some of the tools we utilize to stay ahead of the competition.

Social Media Investigation
By identifying or monitoring the claimant’s online accounts, we are able to document activities that may be relevant to a case.
It also provides insight to the claimant’s personality, habits, social connections, and history.
All of which can be used to collect evidence and reveal important patterns during the investigation.
Cell Phone Forensics
This exclusive service allows us to perform forensic operations and extract digital DNA from mobile phones and portable devices for clients to obtain evidence.
We can extract all data from the device and provide you with a complete forensic analysis report within 24 hours.

Static Remote Video Technology
Static monitoring is our state of the art stationary surveillance activity monitoring system.
These classified static surveillance systems are custom built to blend into any environment whether it is urban, inner city, rural, and remote situations.
GII offers packages ranging from 24, 48, and 72 hour options to a complete weekly monitoring option.