Advanced Remote Surveillance

Meet The Future

The ROVR-SV 360 is our Exclusive high-tech remote operated video recording surveillance vehicle. The ROVR-SV 360 vehicle can be used for both manned and unmanned surveillance in the field.

  • Multiple camera system with 360o viewing
  • Remote operated PTZ cameras
  • Live-View internet/mobile access.
  • Capable of constant recording up to 30 days.
  • Full Night Vision Capability

Why the ROVR-SV 360?

Any surveillance can be challenging, and opportunities can get missed if you are not at the right place at the right time.  Maintaining a constant visual of your claimant while avoiding detection is key to a successful surveillance investigation.

At GII we have the capability to greatly increase your success rate with the use of advanced technology and equipment.  Integrated into our unmarked and undetectable surveillance vehicle is the ability to monitor a subject 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if needed.  This eliminates many of the challenges an investigator encounters in the field.

PLUS! Our surveillance vehicle video can be remotely operated and monitored from anywhere in the country by our licensed investigators.

Any Situation

Rural/Remote Location

Claimant residence locations can make surveillance challenging and difficult, and can include additional unexpected costs of a 2nd investigator to help cover remote/rural set up. With the ROVR-SV 360, we adapt and overcome. Our ROVR-SV 360 is equipped to blend into any situation and location, and has the ability to deploy a 2nd remote viewing device in efforts to monitor multiple departure routes.

Mobile/No driving restrictions

Does your claimant have a no driving restriction? No problem. With the ROVR-SV 360, our technology allows us to safely follow, and document all driving activities by a claimant from all angles to allow a complete profile of how the claimant moves and operates while behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Establish an Activity Pattern

Instead of rolling the dice and hoping surveillance will be conducted on a day the claimant is active, the ROVR-SV 360 can be deployed to a specific location for 24 hours a day, and up to 30 days at a time. Our cutting edge technology allows the monitoring system to constantly record for up to 30 days, and is monitored by a fully licensed investigator. With the remote viewing capability, the ROVR-SV 360 can be deployed at a significant cost savings vs. the traditional manned 8-hour surveillance.

Available Services

The use of the ROVR-SV 360 is a specialty service for circumstances other than the normal day to day surveillance. The deployment of the ROVR-SV 360 will require a minimum of 10 hours on site, which will include up to 2 hours of travel each way. Any additional travel time will be discussed prior to accepting the assignment.  The below is a list of services and pricing that have been compiled based on our clients requested needs. The ROVR-SV-360 can be used for other deployments that may arise, and can be customized for additional service that may not be listed.

  • Rural/Remote Surveillance – 10 Hrs. on site
  • Rural/Remote Surveillance – 12 Hrs. on site
  • Mobile deployment/claimant with no driving restrictions – 10 Hrs. on site
  • Mobile deployment/claimant with no driving restrictions – 12 Hrs. on site

Un-Manned Deployment for constant monitor of location for up to 30 days

  • 1-24 Hr. day of continuous monitor
  • 2-24 Hr. days of continuous monitor
  • 3-24 Hr. days of continuous monitor
  • 4-24 Hr. days of continuous monitor
  • 5-24 Hr. days of continuous monitor
  • 7-24 Hr. days of continuous monitor
  • Over 7 days – call for pricing