How Can We Help You?

We utilize cutting edge technology and equipment in conjunction with state of the art intelligence gathering to identify potential activity patterns and algorithms for each surveillance assignment.

A Medical Canvass is an in-depth telephone research analysis designed to uncover pre-existing claims and injuries. Medical Canvasses provide an excellent, cost-effective method to determine your Claimant’s medical treatment history.

When you need to collect comprehensive records and intelligence on your claimant, GII has you covered. Our Analysts and Researchers can obtain various records and perform comprehensive background reports on your claimant in record breaking time.

Our Analysts and Researchers are certified Social Media Experts and Cyber Intelligence Experts, with the skills and knowledge to find, identify, assess, and record valuable information on a claimant online.

​Domestic/Infidelity Investigations

​Suspecting a partner of having an affair can be a very emotional and overwhelming experience. To be sure, or simply to have peace of mind one way or the other, you need to obtain irrefutable facts and otherwise confirm or negate the suspicions.

The ROVR-SV 360 is our Exclusive high-tech remote operated video recording surveillance vehicle. The ROVR-SV 360 vehicle can be used for both manned and unmanned surveillance in the field.

​With the increasing demands of gathering information to prevent fraud, investigate claims, and locate specific data, GII-PII has created game changing services that will revolutionize the industry’s ability to gather information quickly.